Monday, February 16, 2009

Our hayden..

Sangat mengagumkan ketika kami menyadari di umurnya yg ke-2 tahun hayden sudah mulai mendewasakan dirinya dengan merelakan papa mamanya bekerja..
malahan kalau aku sama papa nya habis mandi hayden langsung ngoceh.."papa kerja..mama kerja"...

lovely u makes me wants to cry..if i heard that ..

the sweetest things is..if the one we love let us go to do something good for our self..and hayden realized it that both of us have to work
she realized that even her father already have a work..but her mom need it too :)

for this couple months i already make a decision
A decision that i always dreamed of..
that is not to go to the office.. actually still go to work but on my own office
is it office at house or other place which i dont have to leave hayden for 11 hours a day..
where i can stay longer when she need it and watch her when she start to school

but will hayden understand this situation
does she still proud at me where she wont see me caring my laptop bag and dressing as an executive anymore..

i know my heart say..its all just my scareness..i believe hayden wont stop grow up and will have a lot of things to understood
i hope i still can make her proud..proud that we will have much more times..even i just work on my little new born office :)
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